Cubex - za hranicí představ
Dechberoucí světelná show, kterou chcete vidět.
How to reach us
Cubex Centrum Praha
Na Strži 2097/63, Praha 4, 140 00
Public Transport:
Cubex is located approx. 100m from metro station C Pankrác and the Pankrác bus stop.
By car:
Podlí/Pankrác exit from 5. května street, towards Na Strži street.
GPS coordinates: 50.049964, 14.439709
Parking in Cubex is not possible.
Please us the Panorama Hotel Prague parking garage (non-stop) 100m away, or the OC Arkády Pankrác parking lot 200m away (7:00 a.m. - 10:30 p.m., night parking for an extra charge).